NSS EVENTS 2023-2024

NSS 2023


NSS Activities

Course Objectives::

To acquire leadership qualities and democratic attitude.
To develop a sense of respect to the principles, values , rights and obligations and to promote National Unity ,integrity, non-violence,     secularism, democracy, equality before law.
To develop a sense of social and civic responsibility.
To meet emergencies and natural disasters
To develop competence required for group living and sharing responsibilities.

Report: 2018-19
08-03-2019 – Conducted Women’s Day in the College.
18-02-2018 – Ralley against to Terrorism, support to Indian Army conducted by coordinator K.Satya Reddy.
16-02-2019 to 22-02-2019 Conducted NSS Special Camp at Gunthapally(V), Abdullapur(Mandal), RR Dist with 1 P.O & 45 Volunteers.
07-02-2019 – Conducted Dental Camp
28-01-2019 – Conducted Blood Camp INCOLLABRATION WITH JEEVAN JYOTHI VOLUNTARY BLOOD BANK ,collectively 104 volunteers donated blood.
Swach Abhyan (Swach Bharath Summer Internship) conducted under ministry of Human Resource & Development with 1 P.O & 34 Volunteers July-26.
26th January celebrated Republic day at Avanthi Barkathpura block
15th August celebrated independence day at Avanthi Barkathpura block
Report: 2017-18
Participated in NSS Youth Festival conducted by NSS Coordinator, Osmania University on Jan – 12.
participated in Swach Bharath programme in Uppal Stadium on Feb – 17 with 1 P.O & 28 Volunteers.
Participated in National Unity Day on the Ocassion of Sardar Vallabai patel Birthday organised by NSS Coordinator, Osmania University on October – 31
Medical camp organized by NSS Coordinator
26th January celebrated Republic day at Avanthi Barkathpura block
15th August celebrated independence day at Avanthi Barkathpura block
Report: 2016-17
NSS Volunteers along with NSS PO Mr. T.Shekhar and Coordinator K Satya Reddy attended the International yoga day celebrations organized by Ramachandra Mission at Gachibowli.
NSS volunteers planted the 50 saplings in the College premises under “TELANGANA KU HARITHA HARAM”.
Volunteers participated in the Breast Cancer awareness walk organized by Kims Hospitals.
Volunteers attended the Self Defense Program organized by NSS, OU to the NSS Volunteers at Sidhartha College of Technology, Ibrahimpatnam.
25th January: NSS volunteers Cleaned The Campus UnderSwach Bharat Campaign.
26th January celebrated Republic day at Avanthi Barkathpura block
15th August celebrated independence day at Avanthi Barkathpura block
PO & 2 volunteers have participated in University Level Competitions in NSS Youth Festival conducted by Osmania University.
Report: 2015- 16
July – 2015 communication skill class for volunteers.
5-09-2015 Teachers Day Celebrations.
18-11-2015 Program conducted by CITY LEGAL SERVICES AUTHORITY (Dist Legal services authority President) L. Hari Rao, bar Association senior advocate Shiva Prasad. 200 Volunteers participated.
11-01-2016 70 Volunteers + 1 PO participated in Chinna G R Swamy meeting at NTR Stadium, Hyderabad
11-07-2016 Conducted Haritha haram Program with 75 Volunteers + 1 PO
15-07-2016 Conducted Insaniyat Program with 15 Volunteers & 1 PO
26th January Celebrated Republic day at Avanthi Barkathpura block
1-12-2016 conducted AIDS Awareness Day with 30 Volunteers + 1 PO
15th August Celebrated independence day at Avanthi Barkathpura block.
Report: 2014-15
12-05-2014 Essay Writing competition conducted on the eve of Mother’s Day.
10-07-2014 Conducted Insaniyat Program with 15 Volunteers & 1 PO
Plantation of trees by NSS activities
26th January celebrated Republic day at Avanthi Barkathpura block
15th August celebrated independence day at Avanthi Barkathpura block
20-10-2014 10 Volunteers Participated in Blood Donation
Report : 2013-14
26th January celebrated Republic day at Avanthi Barkathpura block
15th August celebrated independence day at Avanthi Barkathpura block
Plantation by NSS students at guntapally village
Vaternity camp conducted by NSS
Distribution of books to the poor students